Miriam Carey - Going Dental ? Woman In DC Who Tried to Ram White House ...

Miriam Carey : Videos

Mariah Carey - We Belong Together - YouTube

Mariah Carey - We Belong Together - YouTube

[FULL/HQ] Connecticut Woman, Miriam Carey Shot ...

[FULL/HQ] Connecticut Woman, Miriam Carey Shot ...

[RAW/HQ] Miriam Carey Identified As Woman Shot ...

[RAW/HQ] Miriam Carey Identified As Woman Shot ...

Mariah Carey - Without You - YouTube

Mariah Carey - Without You - YouTube

Mariah Carey - My All - YouTube

Mariah Carey - My All - YouTube

Mariah Carey - Hero - YouTube

Mariah Carey - Hero - YouTube

Jimmy Fallon, Mariah Carey & The Roots: "All I ...

Jimmy Fallon, Mariah Carey & The Roots: "All I ...

Mariah Carey - Always Be My Baby - YouTube

Mariah Carey - Always Be My Baby - YouTube

[RAW] MOMENT Police Draw Guns on Capitol Driver ...

[RAW] MOMENT Police Draw Guns on Capitol Driver ...

[RAW] An Injured Officer is Air Lifted After Miriam ...

[RAW] An Injured Officer is Air Lifted After Miriam ...

[FULL] Miriam Carey: Woman Shot and Killed by ...

[FULL] Miriam Carey: Woman Shot and Killed by ...

Mariah Carey - Touch My Body - YouTube

Mariah Carey - Touch My Body - YouTube

INSANE! Capitol Hill Shooting And Car Chase ...

INSANE! Capitol Hill Shooting And Car Chase ...

Mariah Carey - I Want To Know What Love Is - YouTube

Mariah Carey - I Want To Know What Love Is - YouTube

Mariah Carey - I'll Be There - YouTube

Mariah Carey - I'll Be There - YouTube

Mariah Carey - Say Somethin' ft. Snoop Dogg ...

Mariah Carey - Say Somethin' ft. Snoop Dogg ...

Busta Rhymes ft Mariah Carey - I Know What You ...

Busta Rhymes ft Mariah Carey - I Know What You ...

Hero - Mariah Carey (Lyrics) - YouTube

Hero - Mariah Carey (Lyrics) - YouTube

Mariah Carey - Without You - YouTube

Mariah Carey - Without You - YouTube

OPI - Winter/christmas collection 2013 "Mariah ...

OPI - Winter/christmas collection 2013 "Mariah ...

Busta Rhymes ft. Mariah Carey - YouTube

Busta Rhymes ft. Mariah Carey - YouTube

Mariah Carey's Mother Set's the Record Straight ...

Mariah Carey's Mother Set's the Record Straight ...

Mariah Carey y Whitney houston When You Believe ...

Mariah Carey y Whitney houston When You Believe ...

Mariah Carey - Love Takes Time - YouTube

Mariah Carey - Love Takes Time - YouTube

Miriam Carey : Photo Gallery

Miriam Carey Capitol Shooting: Eyewitnesses Recall Gunfire After ...

Miriam Carey Capitol Shooting: Eyewitnesses Recall Gunfire After ...

Who was Miriam Carey? Why did she do this? | Herald Sun

Who was Miriam Carey? Why did she do this? | Herald Sun

Mount Royal University - Faculty - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Mount Royal University - Faculty - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

U.S. Capitol shooting: Brooklyn neighbor says Connecticut woman ...

U.S. Capitol shooting: Brooklyn neighbor says Connecticut woman ...

Board Directory

Board Directory

Diary mybodyandmindforlife.

Diary mybodyandmindforlife.

Miriam Carey - YouTube

Miriam Carey - YouTube

Miriam Carey, Capitol Suspect, Suffered Post-Partum Depression ...

Miriam Carey, Capitol Suspect, Suffered Post-Partum Depression ...

Miriam Carey: Woman killed outside Capitol Hill after trying to ...

Miriam Carey: Woman killed outside Capitol Hill after trying to ...

Miriam Carey | Facebook

Miriam Carey | Facebook

Who was Miriam Carey? Why did she do this? | Herald Sun

Who was Miriam Carey? Why did she do this? | Herald Sun

Meet Miriam Carey, Suspect Reportedly Killed In The Capitol Hill ...

Meet Miriam Carey, Suspect Reportedly Killed In The Capitol Hill ...

Miriam Carey | Content marketing strategies to grow your business

Miriam Carey | Content marketing strategies to grow your business

Who was Miriam Carey? Why did she do this? | Herald Sun

Who was Miriam Carey? Why did she do this? | Herald Sun



Mount Royal University - Contact Us - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Mount Royal University - Contact Us - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Miriam Carey: Woman killed outside Capitol Hill after trying to ram gates of White House

Miriam Carey: Woman killed outside Capitol Hill after trying to ram gates of White House

Miriam Carey, Identified as Suspect in Capitol Police Chase, Was Dental Hygienist From Brooklyn

Miriam Carey, Identified as Suspect in Capitol Police Chase, Was Dental Hygienist From Brooklyn

Miriam Carey, Identified as Suspect in Capitol Police Chase, Was Dental Hygienist From Brooklyn

Miriam Carey, Identified as Suspect in Capitol Police Chase, Was Dental Hygienist From Brooklyn

DK03072013 NetworkCork 015

DK03072013 NetworkCork 015

13 MAY 2013

13 MAY 2013

DK 180512 NetworkCork 027

DK 180512 NetworkCork 027

"Sunrise 1" from Sunrise in the Quantum"

"Sunrise 1" from Sunrise in the Quantum"

"Haditha" from Sunrise in the Quantum

"Haditha" from Sunrise in the Quantum

Sunrise 2 from Sunrise in the Quantum

Sunrise 2 from Sunrise in the Quantum

"Sunrise 1" from Sunrise in the Quantum"

"Sunrise 1" from Sunrise in the Quantum"

"Unseen Forces" from Sunrise in the Quantum

"Unseen Forces" from Sunrise in the Quantum

"Sunrise 1" from Sunrise in the Quantum"

"Sunrise 1" from Sunrise in the Quantum"

"Stars" from Sunrise in the Quantum

"Stars" from Sunrise in the Quantum

"Sunrise 1" from Sunrise in the Quantum"

"Sunrise 1" from Sunrise in the Quantum"

"Sunrise 1" from Sunrise in the Quantum"

"Sunrise 1" from Sunrise in the Quantum"

"Sunrise 1" from Sunrise in the Quantum"

"Sunrise 1" from Sunrise in the Quantum"

Police suspect dental hygienist Miriam Carey was behind the wheel of Capitol ...

Police suspect dental hygienist Miriam Carey was behind the wheel of Capitol ...

Capitol Shooting: Miriam Carey Incident Not The First Violent Attack; A ...

Capitol Shooting: Miriam Carey Incident Not The First Violent Attack; A ...

WTF, Miriam Carey?

WTF, Miriam Carey?

Capitol Car Chase Suspect Shot and Killed by Police Has Been Identified

Capitol Car Chase Suspect Shot and Killed by Police Has Been Identified

Facebook Photos: Woman Shot Dead Near US Capitol ID'd As 34-Year-Old ...

Facebook Photos: Woman Shot Dead Near US Capitol ID'd As 34-Year-Old ...

Miriam Carey's NYC neighbors shocked to learn of death in D.C. shooting

Miriam Carey's NYC neighbors shocked to learn of death in D.C. shooting

Stamford woman killed in Capitol shooting

Stamford woman killed in Capitol shooting

Miriam Carey ID'ed as Female Suspect in Capitol Shooting Case, Reports Say

Miriam Carey ID'ed as Female Suspect in Capitol Shooting Case, Reports Say

Capitol Hill shooting suspect Miriam Carey dead, child rescued from vehicle ...

Capitol Hill shooting suspect Miriam Carey dead, child rescued from vehicle ...

Miriam Carey killed in Capitol shooting

Miriam Carey killed in Capitol shooting

Capitol Hill suspect shot dead identified as Miriam Carey of Conn.

Capitol Hill suspect shot dead identified as Miriam Carey of Conn.

Miriam Carey ID'ed as driver in dramatic car chase at U.S. Capitol

Miriam Carey ID'ed as driver in dramatic car chase at U.S. Capitol

Stamford Woman Killed In DC Capitol Shooting, Source Says

Stamford Woman Killed In DC Capitol Shooting, Source Says

Car in U.S. Capitol incident registered to Stamford, Conn. woman

Car in U.S. Capitol incident registered to Stamford, Conn. woman

Dental hygienist Miriam Carey believed responsible for Capitol lockdown

Dental hygienist Miriam Carey believed responsible for Capitol lockdown

Miriam Carey of Stamford, CT Dies in Washington DC Shooting Today

Miriam Carey of Stamford, CT Dies in Washington DC Shooting Today

Miriam Carey : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites


THEATER Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, showtimes and tickets: nytimes.com/theater. Previews and Openings BECKETT SHORTS In previews; opens on Tuesday. Mikhail Baryshnikov stars in this Joanne Akalaitis staging of four Beckett

Miriam Carey: Dental hygienist at the center of car chase and ...

3 hours ago ... Sister and friends of 34-year-old are stunned to hear she is suspected in high- speed pursuit with child in car.

UNUSUAL middle name ideas for these Girl Names?

Dont bother throwing names like Sophia, Elizabeth, Marie, Lynn, Renee, Claire, Sue, Anne, Belle, Faith/Grace/Hope, Nicole etc. at me. Im just being up front. I would like a more unusual name.

Here are the first names:


Thanks in advance.

Answer: Keely Rosaria
Keely Mireille
Keely Serafine

Holly Marina
Holly Bianca
Holly Ginevra

Autumn Ianthe
Autumn Lenore
Autumn Rosalba

Summer Lilith
Summer Violetta
Summer Araceli

Winter Medeia
Winter Sabrina
Winter Jessamine

Carey Delilah
Carey Annika
Carey Miriam

Cassia Evadne
Cassia Juno
Cassia Briseis

Brigitte Armida
Brigitte Irina
Brigitte Ismene
Category: Baby Names

Is wisdom realism of how we meet, taking stand one to another? Proverbs 8: 1-3?

Answer: Christ, as Wisdom, calls to the sons of men.
The will of God is made known by the works of creation, and by the consciences of men, but more clearly by Moses and the prophets. The chief difficulty is to get men to attend to instruction. Yet attention to the words of Christ, will guide the most ignorant into saving knowledge of the truth. Where there is an understanding heart, and willingness to receive the truth in love, wisdom is valued above silver and gold. (Pr 8:12-21)
Does not wisdom call and understanding lift up her voice? Why yesssssssssss… Carey, for has not wisdom… (Prov: 9:3) sent out her handmaidens? She has sent out her maiden, she calls from the tops of the heights of the city. (Wow, the women too are part of this, and her voice reaches far and wide, for all to hear and heart~ and perhaps women are chosen in this, as men do respond to the softness of the feminine heart for God) I love this...

Wisdom shouts in the streets. She lifts her voice in the square. Wisdom warns us… (Proverbs 1:20)
The Lord gives the command; the women who proclaim the good tidings are a great host! (Ps 68:11)
Miriam the prophetess, Aaron's sister, took the )timbrel in her hand, and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dancing. (Exodus 15:20) Also, we see, Carey, in I Samuel 18:6 It happened as they were coming, when David returned from killing the Philistine, that the women came out of all the cities of Israel, singing and dancing, to meet King Saul, with tambourines, with joy and with musical instruments. (reflections of great joys, and celebrations of singing and praise, is how we show forth the wisdom of the Lord, for he is worthy of all praise, in all of its forms, song, music, and dance)

Oh how Wisdom Pleas to be Heard
Carey, here we see, in these passages from Proverbs 8: 1 -3 how wisdom is personified as a woman. She cries to the sons of men, lifting up her voice, not lurking or hiding in some corner, but openly: On the top of the hill, besides the way, where paths meet, by the gates, at the entry of the city. She desires to be heard by the sons of men, by the simple ones and the fools too. Wanting evermore to impart excellent things, right things, to expound and share in words of truth and righteousness, things said plainly, that hold right, which square hearts towards God. Wisdom speaks on things, which are to be held in great value, better than gold and silver, rubies, and all that can be desired…. So wisdom is crying out to be heard by everyone brother, will we listen to her? I
Oh let’s go further shall we, seeing some of her value? Here is some of what she possesses, prudence, knowledge and discretion, the fear of the Lord which prompts her to hate pride, evil and the perverse mouth. She loves Godly counsel and sound wisdom as well as understanding and strength. (Prov 8: 12-14)
(this having so much to do with our heart attitude, how we learn how to administer love and truth as in the grace of our most precious Lord. Our beeeee attitudes)

Furthermore wisdom favors kings, princes, nobles and justices with the ability to rule with justice, so wisdom teaches those called for these offices. To all who love her, riches , honor righteousness, justice and wealth, See, Prov 8: 15-19

Now I love this part… Carey….we see who is called, by what it is that calls us, both power and wisdom.

1 Corinthians 1:24
24but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.

You ask, Is wisdom realism of how we meet, taking stand one to another? Proverbs 8: 1-3?

Yes Carey, we are to meet all the sons of men, in full view of all men, not hiding, singing singularly of our Lord and all he has to offer, having our eyes, hearts, minds, spirits, set on his wisdom ~ to give and gift all the sons of men.

As shown in order, in my answering

the one who calls us to wisdom Is Christ, to listen to the voice of Godly wisdom and reason. It is by his power alone, to infuse us with his knowledge, wisdom, gracing us...It is for us to sing, dance, proclaim His glory for all to see. He grants us favor… Divine love, grace, faithfulness, charity , hope beyond measure. The male and female of us, in equality, united as equal to do, to share from our special gifting… all the Lord places upon us to do. It is in real wisdom that we look one another, sharing with one another, the wisdom of God. Her voice personified as a women, shows the tenderness love of all, from God to us, as we join as equals. Let us walk with tender feet brother, for this is walking with the care and love of grace over the seas of men.

Let's find our places in the Son ( in the sunshine of God's call, in the order that he places us all)

Always good to break and share the bread of life...bruddar!

Lord love and bless us, as we are strengthened in and by His Divine wisdom.


Edit: It is good sharing with all who want to share, in this... the landscapes of the Lord, loving those hikes, which refresh us, water us, filling ourselves, with these wonderful journeys through the pages of God's heart... just came back to say thanks. sighing, this being a tender walk indeed! So much to uncover, in our trails.
Category: Religion & Spirituality

Who is your favorite female singer ever?

Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, that chick from the Cranberries? Who else?

Answer: NONE of those moaners and groaners! My choices are Loreena McKennitt, Enya, Sissel, Miriam Stockley, Máire (Moya) Brennan and Hayley Westenra.
Category: Singing

What does When you believe by Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston have as a theme?

What is the proper word to describe it?
What is the style of music used when she starts singing the first few lines?
I find that utterly beautiful.
It has a hint of mystery and wonder and hope and deepness.
Im describing the music of the first few lines. What is the proper word to describe it?
And does it fit into any genre?
Im referring to just that few lines.
Who sang the first few lines? Im referring to that part! Not til the second singer sang!

Answer: It is from the soundtrack to the movie 'The Prince Of Egypt' which is an animated DreamWorks movie about the exodus of the Jews from Egypt led by Moses. The song is sung by Moses' sister, Miriam, to encourage him in the movie. Even though it is animated it is worth watching. I have seen it several times with my daughter.
Category: Other - Music

Is it true that Obama sent Miriam Carey to shoot up the US Capitol in retaliation for the government shutdown?

I was reading an article on WorldNetDaily.com, and learned that there is strong evidence that Obama ordered Miriam Carey to shoot up the US Capitol and target Republicans in response to the government shut down.

Apparently the operation was funded by George Soros, and Eric Holder gave Carey the gun through the Fast & Furious gunrunning operation.

Should Obama be investigated and then impeached?

Category: Politics

[FULL/HQ] Connecticut Woman, Miriam Carey Shot Dead Outside ...

9 hours ago ... Connecticut Woman Miriam Carey Shot Dead Outside U.S. Capitol After Failed White House Break-in :Reportedly Unarmed! Connecticut ...

Try to sell me your benefit CD idea

1. What organization would it benefit

2. It must have at least ten cover songs from different artists
doing the song in their style

3. It must have at least 3 duets

4. It must have 1 all star jam (that makes sense) with at least five musicians

5. Name the album

Here is mine:

Party for Peace Benefit CD for Darfur

1. Yes We Can by Allen Toussaint - EW&F, Chaka Kahn, Dee Bridgewater, Shemekia Copeland

2. Cool Crazy Beautiful World by Johnny Clegg - Marcia Ball

3. Eye of The Tiger by Survivor - Buddy Guy & Koko Taylor

4. Life Is A Highway by Tom Cochran – Susan Tedeschi and Derek Trucks

5. You’ve Got A Friend by Carole King – Maria Muldaur and Bonnie Raitt

6. Daisuki by Ryoko Hirosue- Cyndi Lauper (I know its j-pop hit but I love this song. I would have English and Japanese lyrics)

7. Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys – The B-52’s

8. Best Years Of Our Lives by Modern Romance – Buster Poindexter

9. What The World Needs Now Is Love by Burt Bacharach – Kristine W (Done uptempo jazz)

11. Time Of Our Lives by Bonnie Raitt – Candy Dulfer

12. Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive by Ella Fitzgerald – Brian Setzer Orchestra & Ann-Margret

13. Sowing The Seeds Of Love by Tears For Fears - Gerald Albright and Basia (Funky Bossa Nova/Samba Style)

14. Hold On Tight by ELO - Wanda Jackson & Little Richard

15. All You Need Is Love by The Beatles – Paul Simon, Hugh Masekela, Oliver Mtukudzi, Emeline Michel, Mamani Keita, Miriam Makeba, Rokia Traore, Stellle Cheswishe & Orchstra Baobab

Answer: It would be called Metal for the Peace and it would benefit... something helping to prevent poverty... or something...

1. One (origionally by U2) - Slayer and Joe Satraini (sp?)
2. Owner of a Lonely Heart (origionally by Yes) - Dream Theatre
3. Child in Time (Deep Purple) - Disturbed and Steve Vai
4. November Rain (Guns N Roses) - Nightwish (with Tarja)
5. Take These Chains (Judas Priest) - The Sword and Priestess
6. Clocks (Coldplay) - Black Tide
7. White Rabbit (Jefferson Airplane) - Skid Row
8. Spirit of the Radio (Rush) - Opeth
9. Goodbye To Romance (Ozzy) - Wolfmother
10. All You Need is Love (Beatles) - Iron Maiden
11. Superstar Jam - Baba O'Reilly (The Who) - Ronnie James Dio, Jerry Cantrell (his band isn't exactly metal, but it's arguable), Zakk Wylde, Cliff Burton (I'd bring him back from the dead), Yngwie Malsteen, Danny Carey (of Tool [he's the first guy I thought of off the top of my head and he's pretty good, plus I was trying to not use someone from a band I'd already used])

Maybe not all of those are perfect songs for this, but oh well.
Category: Rock and Pop

Everything We Know About Miriam Carey, The Woman Killed After A ...

5 hours ago ... As of Thursday night, we have more questions than answers as to why a 34-year- old dental hygienist engaged with police and the Secret...

What are the lyrics to this song?

When You Believe? Off the prince of Egypt soundtrack? Ten points for title, artist and lyrics. Thanks.

Answer: When You Believe - Sung By Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston.
The song was written and composed by Stephen Schwartz

Many nights we've prayed
with no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains
Long before we ever knew we could

There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe

In this time of fear
When prayer so often proved in vain
Hope seemed like the summer birds
Too swiftly flown away
Yet now I'm standing here
With heart so full I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I'd say

Miriam and Tzipporah:
There can be miracles when you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe...

Hebrew Children:
A-shi-ra la-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah
(I will sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously)
A-shi-ra la-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah
(I will sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously)
Mi-cha-mo-cha ba-elim adonai
(Who is like You, oh Lord, among the celestial)
Mi-ka-mo-cha ne-dar- ba-ko-desh
(Who is like You, majestic in holiness)
Na-chi-tah v'-chas-d'-cha am zu ga-al-ta
(In Your love, You lead the people You redeemed)
Na-chi-tah v'-chas-d'-cha am zu ga-al-ta
(In Your love, You lead the people You redeemed)
A-shi-ra, a-shi-ra, a-shi-ra...
(I will sing, I will sing, I will sing)

There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles

You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
Now you will
You will when you believe

Miriam and Tzipporah:
You will when you believe

This song won the Academy award for best song in 1999.

It is a slow tempo ballad, which incorporates pop and contemporary R&B genres. Carey and Houston's parts in the song are written in different keys, both musically and vocally. During the last bridge and chorus, gospel inspired background singers join the song, giving it a "layered sound" while Carey and Houston's voice switch off belting the bridge.
Category: Lyrics

Miriam Carey: Shooting Suspect In Washington D.C. Shootout ...

Multiple news outlets are reporting that law enforcement officers have identified 34-year-old dental hygienist Miriam Carey as the woman who was shot and killed by police outside the Capitol building on Oct. 3.

A middle name for the names I listed?

Rachel —
Alejandra —
Pamela —

Answer: Rachel Miriam
Miranda Kay
Mia Liesel
Gabriella Maud
Sarah Joy
Alejandra Deidre
Alexandra Jean
Pamela Hilary
Marisol Carey
Veronica Faith
Lexi Enid
Alexa Ivy
Hope these are of help and interest.
Category: Baby Names

Capitol Suspect ID'd; Miriam Carey Suffered Post-Partum ...

The family confirmed the woman killed in the Washington, D.C., incident was Miriam Carey, 34, a dental hygienist from Stamford, Conn.

if trying to look up the song "when you believe" from the prince of egypt...?

were singing it in my chorus class and i REALLY like the song. i tried to search for it on limewire but all i could find was the mariah carey version which i dont like AT ALL! does any one now the person/people that sing that movie version?

Answer: yea

Sandra Bullock - Miriam
Michelle Pfeiffer -Tzipporah
Category: Other - Music


THEATER Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, showtimes and tickets: nytimes.com/theater. This weeks listing includes shows not affected by the stagehands strike. Previews and Openings CYMBELINE In previews; opens on Dec. 2. The - The Around Town and For Children listings appear on Page 40.

US Capitol shooting: Police kill woman after she rams WH ... - RT.com

Miriam Carey of Stamford, Connecticut was pronounced dead after local police fired multiple shots into her black sedan as she tried to flee through the streets of the nation's capital. Carey, a 34-year-old African American ...

Who sang the Prince of Egypt movie version of "When you Believe"?

Cuz whenever I look for this song in download websites, all that pops up is Mariah Carey. And heck, Im pretty sure its not her who did the singing voice of Miriam in the Prince of Egypt movie. I DO know that Michelle Pfeiffer sang in the song...but who was the other singer woman??

Anyone know? Ohhh, and 10 pts. for anyone who could give me a FREE (safe) download link ;D

Answer: 14 "When You Believe" (4:05)

Stephen Schwartz, performed by Michelle Pfeiffer and Sally Dworsky, produced/arranged by Hans Zimmer

Here is the source as well in the bottom. Try Limewire and you might be able to find it!! Hope it works!!
Category: Movies

Why do parents give their kids pretty names and then call them by a really ignorant nickname?

I know a couple who just had a little girl and named her Miriam. That is a beautiful name and has Biblical ties, which I assumed was important to them. But what are they calling her? Mimi! MIMI? Did they never see Drew Carey? That horrible woman is what comes to my mind every time I hear the name Mimi. Why do parents do this?

Answer: Idk. A lot of the home-made names are that way, too. My friend named her son after a family member whose name was Rucker. What do you think the kids at school are calling him?

lol, I've often said that people should have to ask my approval of what color to paint their home (our nabor's!). Now I need to approve all the baby names, too!!

TX Mom

Category: Baby Names

Going 'Dent'al ? Woman In DC Who Tried to Ram White House ...

TreeHouse Team Ponderings: Little one's hair is nicely cared for and she's wearing cute, clean clothes. Which makes one think mental illness on the part of caregiver/mom-person is not as significant a factor as perhaps they ...

Miriam Carey: Woman killed outside Capitol Hill after trying to ram ...

2 hours ago ... The revelation by Miriam Carey's family is the first hint at what could have caused the dental hygienist to drive from her home in suburban ...

Theater Listings

PETER AND THE WOLF Lots of holiday shows rope in their victims with false promises of fun for all ages. But its hard to see how a theatrical event that includes miniature paper sculptures of animals, George Manahan conducting the Juilliard Ensemble and (this is important) Isaac Mizrahi could fail to delight anybody. Mr. Mizrahi, the wickedly - By THE NEW YORK TIMES

who is "makeba" that sings "if we ever" with david guetta?

I cant find her. I googled makeba and i got miriam makeba..... i doubt its here since she died in 2008 (R.I.P) and the album was released at the end of 2009...
So who is makeba? or is it miriam makeba?!

Answer: Makeba Riddick. She is a singer/songwriter from West Baltimore, who has written stuff for Beyonce. Rihanna, Toni Braxton, Mariah Carey, Sugababes, Eminem and others. She co-wrote "If We Ever" and featured on the recording with David Guetta and Afrojack.

Miriam Makeba was a South African singer and civil rights activist, known as "The Queen of African Music", who recorded many albums and performed all over the world from the 1950s until she died (of a heart attack whilst performing on stage) in 2008.
Category: Country

Theater Listings

Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, showtimes and tickets: nytimes.com/theater. This weeks listing includes shows not affected by the stagehands strike. Previews and Openings BECKETT SHORTS Previews start on Wednesday. Opens on Dec. - By THE NEW YORK TIMES

Theater Listings

500 CLOWN Think of Buster Keaton and Chaplin, not Bozo, said Adrian Danzig, the producing artistic director of 500 Clown, describing the performance style of his Chicago-based company. Clown is a totally dirty word -- no one uses clown in their title, he said. It sets you up to defend that youre not doing childrens work. But 500 Clown - By THE NEW YORK TIMES

What are these nicknames short for?

Mimi? and Minnie?

Answer: Mimi can be short for Camilla, Mariah (Mariah Carey goes by Mimi), Miriam, Marie
Minnie is sometimes short for Minerva, Melinda, Wilhemina, Mary
Category: Languages

DC attacker a dental hygienist, shot dead after chase | New York Post

6 hours ago ... Sources said Miriam Carey, who formerly lived in Brooklyn, was licensed to practice in New York and Connecticut and had a permit to work as ...

Meet Miriam Carey, Suspect Reportedly Killed In The Capitol Hill ...

4 hours ago ... Meet Miriam Carey, the dental hygienist identified in news reports as the suspect in the shooting incident that left Capitol Hill on lockdown.

Is Obama using low-frequency mind control to create False Flag attackers?

You could shrug off the Navy Yard shooter as a crazy, but now you have a SECOND innocent person who has become a political pawn of DEAR Leader Obama. They have perfected their technology that forces its victims to carry out attacks that will gain maximum exposure and maximum political advantage for his party. Miriam Carey and Aaron Alexis are only the first victims in what will become a steady stream of atrocities carried out by this madman. Who knows who else may have already been bombarded with these controlling electrons.

Chip Rogers of Georgia has already stated how Agenda 21 of the UN has set the groundwork for this....http://vimeo.com/53363841

Category: Politics

Theater Listings

THE ARISTOPHANIC LABORATORY The illustrious playwrights of ancient Greece gave us the tortured Oedipus, the grief-stricken Electra and the jealous and murderous Medea, among other dark and passionate characters, but every play coming out of Athens at that time was not necessarily tragic. Though we see the work of Aristophanes less frequently - By THE NEW YORK TIMES

The Listings

THEATER Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, showtimes and tickets: nytimes.com/theater. Previews and Openings AUGUST: OSAGE COUNTY In previews. Tracy Lettss epic Oklahoma family drama transfers from the Steppenwolf in Chicago to

Theater Listings

THEATER Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, showtimes and tickets: nytimes.com/theater. This weeks listing includes shows not affected by the stagehands strike. Previews and Openings CYMBELINE In previews; opens on Dec. 2. The

Miriam Carey Facebook page and profile - Fire Andrea Mitchell!

Miriam Carey Facebook page says she lived in Stamford, Connecticut. She was originally from Brooklyn, New York.

Motive unknown: The Capitol Hill shooting — MSNBC

The incident started when the driver, 34-year-old Miriam Carey of Stamford, Connecticut, tried to ram her car through a White House gate, authorities said. Secret Service agents fired shots–and the pursuit began down ...

Miriam Carey, 34, Identified as Capitol Car Chase Suspect | Mediaite

Authorities have identified the woman who was shot and killed by police after ramming a barricade outside the White House and leading a chase near the Capitol Building at Miriam Carey, a 34-year-old from Stamford, ...

Need help with some baby names...?

Hi, So My husband and I are expecting our third child and we do not want to know the gender...
We have a daughter and a son named Scarlett Rose (5) and William (Will) Cedar (3)
We decided that for all of our daughters we will have middle names be flowers, and all of the boys middle names be trees.
So, could you please tell me your favorite? Thank you!

Vivienne Dahlia
Monroe Ivy- Yes, we are aware that Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon just named one of their twins Monroe, but we have had this name picked out for 6 years!
Helena Violet
Audrey Lavender
Juliet Poppy

Jaxson (Jax) Forest
Boston Spruce
Tobias (Toby) Aspen
Declan Linden
Elliot Pine

Pick one boy name and one girl name? Thanks. Suggestions are appreciated :)

Answer: I'm not good on that, but in my opinion you should give them different names something new how bout an italian name or mexican name, if boy, jesus or javier, if girl, miriam or isabel or elizabeth something like that I think lol
Category: Baby Names

U.S. Capitol shooting: Connecticut woman shot dead outside Capitol ...

53 minutes ago ... Relatives of Miriam Carey converged in Bushwick to try to make sense of the events that unfolded in Washington, where the 34-year-old dental ...

Miriam Carey, Capitol Suspect, Suffered Post-Partum Depression ...

1 hour ago ... A woman killed by Capitol Police today after a high-speed chase through Washington that temporarily shut down the U.S. Capitol suffered ...

Theater Listings

KLEYNKUNST! After the First World War, Poland became an independent nation after more than a hundred years of foreign rule. In Warsaw, where a quarter of the population was Jewish, the citys rising class of secular Jews included lots of artistic types who were riding the new wave of Polish nationhood and looking toward a bright future. Kleynkunst - By THE NEW YORK TIMES

What are some good house music?

please give me the name of the songs...
i would prefer you guys not to give me techno or electronic unless its really good...

Answer: Hmmm ... I am into Progressive, Chilled and Deep, so could not really pick just a few, see what you think,

Afrojack & Steve Aoki Feat. Miss Palmer - No Beef
Alvaro - Get Ready 4 This
Bentu De Soli - Pearls Of Summer
Bingo Players - Rattle
Clokx - Catch Your Fall (Hardwell Remix)
Dennis De Laat - Sound Of Violence
Gyptian - Hold Yuh
King & White Feat. Dana - Mambotero
Maruja Retana - Right Through Me
Corrugated Tunnel - Two Nights In Berlin
The Shapeshifters & Frankie Knuckles - The One You Love (Dj Meme Remix)
Alex Sander - Primavera (Trick & Kubic remix)
Eleze - Teardrop
Ginuwine Feat. Timbaland And Missy Elliott - Get Involved
R3hab - Sending My Love
Quintino & Mitch Crown - Heaven
Nightcrawlers Feat. Taio Cruz - Cryin' Over You
Tony Junior - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet
Tom Hangs Feat. Shermanology - Blessed
Laidback Luke Ft. Wynter Gordon - Speak Up (Original Mix)
Sebastian Drumz & Mitch Crown - Fly
Sharam Feat. Anousheh Khalili - Fun
Milk & Sugar Vs. Vaya Con Dios - Hey (Nah Neh Nah)
Starkillers Feat. Nadia Ali - Keep It Coming
Myon & Shane 54 feat. Aruna - Helpless (Alexander Popov Remix)
Cascada - Summer Of Love (Michael Mind Project Remix)
Serge Devant - Addicted (featuring Hadley)
Benny Benassi feat. Gary Go - Control (Gigi Barocco Remix)
Ian Carey Feat. Snoop Dogg And Bobby Anthony - Last Night
Remady & Manu-L Ft. J-Son - Single Ladies
Milk & Sugar Feat. Miriam Makeba - Hi-A Ma (Pata Pata)
Sound Dizturber's - Freaky Boyz (Original Mix)
Palyur feat. Radicalfashion & Макс Лоренс - Иди Ко Мне (House Edit)
Marcel Sterling - Last Chords In Town
Steinmuller - Black Ape Sunday
Dario D’attis Featuring Gran Purismo - Tormenta Hormonal (Dario D’attis Main Vocal)
Tiddey Feat Lyck - Keep Waiting (Extended Mix)
Babert - Deeper
Vollmer & Brendel - Influenze (Antonio Olivieri remix)
Jeff Bennett - I Discovered (Jeff Bennett Timanfaya remix)
Armin van Buuren feat. Jacqueline Govaert - Never Say Never (Omnia Remix)
George Hefner - Dancing In My Mind (Andreas Bergmann remix)
Mista - Never Hide (Soundface Shortmix)
Ducksauce - Big Bad Wolf
Category: Other - Music

No Child Left Behind? Say It in Spanish

AS school enrollment for Hispanic children declines in New York City and in other urban areas around the metropolitan region, school districts in dozens of outlying suburbs are adding seats and bilingual programs to address a sharp increase in the number of Hispanic students whose parents are immigrants. Four out of five school districts in the - Article on challenges that face school districts in New York metropolitan area suburbs, which have experienced influx of Hispanic immigrant students, in trying to keep up with No Child Left Behind standards; enrollment of Hispanic students has risen in suburbs but declined in urban areas and schools are hiring literacy coaches and adding bilingual programs; photos; graph (L) - By FORD FESSENDEN

Pavia: Stamford Cannot Provide Information on Woman Shot Dead ...

The woman—believed to be Miriam Carey, 34—owned the black Infiniti sedan driven from the White House to Capitol Hill, where a driver was shot dead Thursday afternoon following a high-speed chase. Posted by David ...

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